1. BayesDA::contingency
    Contingency Table from a sample Survey
  2. BayesDA::cow
    Data from an Experiment with Treatment Assignment Based on Covariates
  3. BayesDA::dilution
    Serial Dilution Assay
  4. BayesDA::fabric
    Numbers of Faults Found in Each of 32 Rolls of Fabric
  5. BayesDA::factorial
    Data From a Chemical Experiment
  6. BayesDA::fatalities
    Worldwide Airline Fatalities, 1976-1985
  7. BayesDA::football
    Football Point Spreads and Game Outcomes
  8. BayesDA::golf
    Number of Attempts and Successes at Golf Putts
  9. BayesDA::light
    Simon Newcomb's Measurements for the Speed of Light
  10. BayesDA::meta
    Results of 22 Clinical Trials of beta-Blockers
  11. BayesDA::newyork
    Population of Municipalities in New York
  12. BayesDA::personality
    Personality Data From an Experiment in Psychology
  13. BayesDA::phones
    CBS Telephone Survey
  14. BayesDA::rats
    Tumor Incidence in Historical Control Groups and Current Group of Rats
  15. BayesDA::schiz
    Data on Response Times for Scizophrenics and non-Schizophrenics
    matrix|30 x 17
  16. BayesDA::stratified
    Results of CBS News Survey of 1447 Adults in the United States
  17. BHH2::corrosion.data
    Corrosion data
  18. BHH2::heads.data
    Machine heads data
  19. BHH2::penicillin.data
    Penicillin data
  20. BHH2::poison.data
    Poison example data set
  21. BHH2::shoes.data
    Boys' shoes data set
  22. BHH2::tab03B1
    Table 3.2
  23. BHH2::tab03B2
    Table 3.3
  24. BHH2::tomato.data
    Tomato plants data set
  25. BHH2::woolen.data
    Textile experiment data set
  26. Fahrmeir::Regensburg
    Job Expectation
  27. Fahrmeir::breath
    Breathing Test
  28. Fahrmeir::caesar
    Caesarian Birth Study
  29. Fahrmeir::cells
    Cellular Differentiation
  30. Fahrmeir::credit
    Credit Score Data From a South German Bank
  31. Fahrmeir::happy
    Reported Happiness
  32. Fahrmeir::headneck
    Head and Neck Cancer data
  33. Fahrmeir::ohio
    Air Pollution and Health
  34. Fahrmeir::rheuma
    Data from Patients with Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis
  35. Fahrmeir::tonsil
    Data Set of Tonsil Size in Children
  36. Fahrmeir::visual
    Visual Impairment Data
  37. Fahrmeir::wine
    Bitterness of White Wines
  38. SenSrivastava::E1.1
    Data on density of vehicles and average speed
  39. SenSrivastava::E1.11
    Data on violent and property crimes in 22 metropolitan areas of the U.S.
  40. SenSrivastava::E1.15
    Stevens Experiment to compare notes against a standard (80 Db)
  41. SenSrivastava::E1.16
    Earnings and Prices of Selected Paper Company Stocks
  42. SenSrivastava::E1.17
    Data on Population Density and Vehicle Thefts
  43. SenSrivastava::E1.18
    Data on Simsbury Marriages
  44. SenSrivastava::E1.19
    Data on Book Prices, Pages and Type of Binding
  45. SenSrivastava::E1.20
    Data on Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) Scores and Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) for Selected Indian States
  46. SenSrivastava::E1.21
    Data on Loads and Deformation of a Bar
  47. SenSrivastava::E1.7
    Data on Population and Number of Telephones
  48. SenSrivastava::E10.1
    Multicollinear Data
  49. SenSrivastava::E10.11
    Longley's Data
  50. SenSrivastava::E10.3
    Supervisor Rating Data
  51. SenSrivastava::E11.1
    Artificially Created Data for an Example on Variable Search
  52. SenSrivastava::E2.1
    Data on Grade Point Average and SAT Scores
  53. SenSrivastava::E2.11
    Demographic Data for the 50 States of the U.S.
  54. SenSrivastava::E2.2
    Data on House Prices
  55. SenSrivastava::E2.4
    International Car Ownership Data
  56. SenSrivastava::E2.6
    Voltage Data
  57. SenSrivastava::E2.7
    Korean Auto Ownership Data
  58. SenSrivastava::E2.8
    Data on per Capita Output of Workers in Shanghai
  59. SenSrivastava::E2.9
    Data on Capital, Labour and Value Added for Three Sectors
  60. SenSrivastava::E3.4
    Men's Worlds Record Times for Running and Corresponding Distances
  61. SenSrivastava::E3.5
    Women's World Record Times for Running and Corresponding Distances
  62. SenSrivastava::E3.6
    Data on Corporations and Corporation Chairmen
  63. SenSrivastava::E3.7
    Data on Oxygen Demand in Dairy Wastes
  64. SenSrivastava::E3.8
    Map reading Test scores and Route Finding Scores
  65. SenSrivastava::E3.9
    Blood Velocity Data
  66. SenSrivastava::E4.1
    Traffic Fatality Data for Illinois
  67. SenSrivastava::E4.10
    Votes from Chicago's Twenty-second Ward by Precinct
  68. SenSrivastava::E4.11
    Data on Cost of Repairing Starters, Ring Gears or Both in Diesel Engines
  69. SenSrivastava::E4.12
    Time taken by Professional Dieticians and Interns for Four Patient Contact Activities
  70. SenSrivastava::E4.13
    Data on Hospital Charges
  71. SenSrivastava::E4.4
    Measures of Quality for Agencies Delivering Transportation for the Elderly and the Handicapped
  72. SenSrivastava::E4.7
    Data on Per-Capita Income and Life Expectancy
  73. SenSrivastava::E6.1
    Data on Automobile Speed and Distance Covered to Come to a Standstill after Breaking
  74. SenSrivastava::E6.10
    Data on Perceived and Computed Travel Times by Bus
  75. SenSrivastava::E6.11
    Heights of Fathers and Sons
  76. SenSrivastava::E6.8
    Dial-a-ride Data
  77. SenSrivastava::E7.1
    Data on Dental Measurements
  78. SenSrivastava::E7.2
    Prices of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Bituminous Coal and Lignite, and Anthracite by Year.
  79. SenSrivastava::E7.3
    Data on Intake/Output Ratio
  80. SenSrivastava::E7.4
    Data on PCO2 and Cerebral Blood Flow for Five Regions of the Brain of five Chimpanzees
  81. SenSrivastava::E7.5
    Data on Static Weights and Weight in Motion of Trucks
  82. SenSrivastava::E7.6
    Community Area Data for the North Part of the City of Chicago
  83. SenSrivastava::E7.7
    The Contiguity Matrix for the 34 Areas in Northern Chicago
  84. SenSrivastava::E8.12
    Data on Lung Cancer Deaths and Cigarette Smoking
  85. SenSrivastava::E8.13
    Florida Cumulus Experiment Data
  86. SenSrivastava::E9.11
    Data on Transit Privatization
  87. SenSrivastava::E9.18
    Data Travel Times and Usage for Automobiles and Public Transportation
  88. SenSrivastava::E9.19
    Acceleration data
  89. SenSrivastava::E9.20
    Stadium Cleanup Data
  90. SenSrivastava::E9.21
    Depreciation in Market Value of Large Factories
  91. SenSrivastava::E9.3
    "Areas", lengths and widths of rectangles
  92. SenSrivastava::E9.8
    Data on monthly rent, annual income and househould size
  93. SenSrivastava::Ec.8
    Data on asylum requests to the U.S. by country of origen of applicant
  94. SenSrivastava::Ex.7.7
    U.S. Population in thousands, for exercise 7.7
  95. SenSrivastava::Ex4.4
    Data on Effects of Air Pollution on Interpersonal Attraction